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Symbolism & Secret Knowledge

secret knowledge of symbols

Dictionary definition:

Symbol – something used for or regarded as representing something else; a material object representing something, often something immaterial; emblem, token, or sign.

In all known cultures, we find traces of knowledge encoded in symbols: we see symbols in rituals, in alchemical books, we see them hidden in the stunning proportions of the pyramids and ancient temples

From the earliest civilizations to modern times, people have used symbols to express their understanding of the spiritual and supernatural realms. These symbols have become a bridge between the physical and metaphysical worlds, providing a way for people to communicate with the divine and access its power.

Symbolic language is a universal language. Symbolism not only expresses the relationship between things and ideas, but also reveals the laws of the connection of the material world with the supernatural world.

However, most people do not know the language of symbols, they cannot decipher it, while it is extremely important for understanding the ways of human development, art, religion and mythology.

In the old days, symbolism was a secret knowledge, but now the time has come when access to symbols is open to everyone.

The history of the symbolism of our civilization goes back deep into the past, to the era of the caveman. 

Since ancient times, people have been looking for a universal language that would be able to express the connection between things and events in the surrounding mysterious world. These searches led to the discovery of the first generalized images, and then, as evolutionary development, and abstract concepts. Such images and concepts are called symbols.

Symbols help to better understand the surrounding world, which means living in harmony with it.

The word symbol derives from the Greek σύμβολον symbolon, meaning “token, watchword”.

One of the earliest and most enduring examples of this connection is found in the Egyptian hieroglyphics. These symbols were used to represent gods, goddesses, and other supernatural beings, as well as to convey religious beliefs and stories. The ancient Egyptians believed that by using these symbols, they could access the power of the gods and gain their favour.

The Greeks used the owl as a symbol of wisdom, while the Romans used the eagle as a symbol of power and strength. These symbols helped to establish a connection between the human and supernatural worlds, enabling people to seek guidance and protection from the gods.

In Hinduism, for example, the lotus flower is a symbol of enlightenment and spiritual purity.

In Native American cultures the dreamcatcher was used to capture bad dreams and protect people from negative spiritual influences.

A symbol cannot be “invented”, created artificially, as it reflects the Highest Truth.  The perfect Universal Symbol is so comprehensive that it is able to meet the needs of different eras, religions, cultures and civilizations

Time did not radically change the structure of symbolism. Whatever the nature of the origin of the symbols is, modern mankind got them not only completely formed, but already systematized. 

The same symbols exist in all ancient cultures: in Ancient Egypt, Sumeria, India, China, Africa, in pre-Columbian America… And everywhere they have similar semantic meanings, which indicates their common origin from the same source

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