Welcome to Mayari Jewelry, where timeless symbols find fresh meaning for contemporary souls!

At Mayari Jewelry, every piece reflects my journey of combining old wisdom with new beauty, creating jewelry that feels truly personal. Whether you’re captivated by the mystery of Egyptian hieroglyphics, the beauty of Greek mythology, or the vibrant energy of Philippine heritage, Mayari Jewelry presents thoughtfully crafted pieces that pay homage to these timeless traditions.

As a designer and jewelry maker, I pour my heart and soul into every step of the process.

It all starts with the birth of design ideas. Each concept is carefully refined until it embodies the perfect balance of tradition and innovation. Once the designs are finalized, I use different techniques to bring them to life. This method allows me to capture every detail and texture, ensuring that each piece is as unique as the story it tells. After casting, the pieces undergo a polishing process to bring out their shine and luster.

Ancient Symbols for modern people

With the help of Mayari Jewelry I am building a bridge between the past and the present for those who appreciate exceptional pieces and enjoy wearing antique-inspired jewelry with a modern twist.

Join me on this journey to celebrate the beauty of the past in the present moment. Explore our collection today and find the perfect piece to adorn your unique story!

«Symbolism is the language of the Mysteries. By symbols men have ever sought to communicate to each other those thoughts which transcend the limitations of language» – Manly Hall

These words inspire my work, as I believe that symbols carry profound meanings that resonate across cultures and generations.




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Dear customers,

From 12 July to 31 August 2024, we are on vacation.

The e-store will remain open, which means we will be able to accept your orders. Please note that your orders will be processed starting on 31 August.

Thank you very much for your understanding and patience! And see you very soon!

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