
Guanche pyramids in Tenerife, Canary Islands, showcasing ancient stone structures against a backdrop of lush foliage and clear sky

UNLOCKING THE ENIGMA: A Thrilling Expedition Into The Secrets Of Canary Islands’ Pyramids And Pintadera Symbols

SECRETS OF THE CANARY ISLANDS: Unraveling the Mysteries of Pyramids and Pintadera Symbols

pintadera necklace on a wooden background

Pintadera symbols are ancient ceramic stamps with rich historical significance. These intricately carved artifacts offer insights into identity, communication, and spirituality of ancient civilizations.


The Canary Islands, a picturesque archipelago off the northwest coast of Africa, boast more than just stunning beaches and vibrant culture. Nestled amidst the island’s rugged terrain are remnants of a mysterious pastpyramids. These ancient structures, often overshadowed by the pyramids in Egypt and Central America, hold secrets waiting to be uncovered. The mystery deepens with the enigmatic symbols known as Pintaderas, carved into pottery and rock surfaces by the islands’ native people. In this blog post, we embark on a journey to explore the fascinating connection between the pyramids of the Canary Islands and the elusive Pintadera symbols.

The Pyramids of the Canary Islands

When one thinks of pyramids, the mind often wanders to the grandeur of Egypt’s Giza or the mystique of the Mayan temples in Central America. However, few are aware that the Canary Islands also boast their own pyramid structures. Spread across various islands such as Tenerife, La Palma, and Gran Canaria, they stand as silent witnesses to a civilization lost in time.

The pyramid-like structures, known locally as “Guanche Pyramids,” are believed to have been built by the Guanches, the indigenous people of the Canary Islands. Despite their remarkable resemblance to the pyramids of other ancient civilizations, the purpose of these structures remains concealed in mystery. Some theories suggest they served as burial sites or religious temples, while others propose more practical functions such as agricultural or astronomical significance.

Guanche pyramids in Tenerife, Canary Islands, showcasing ancient stone structures against a backdrop of lush foliage and clear sky

The Pintadera Symbols

Alongside the pyramids, another enigma awaits discovery—the Pintadera symbols. Pintaderas are small ceramic stamps adorned with intricate geometric patterns and symbols. These symbols are believed to have held significant cultural and possibly religious importance for the Guanches.

The meaning behind these symbols continues to baffle archaeologists and historians alike. Some argue that they served as a form of communication or a means of identity, while others propose they held ritualistic or spiritual significance. Regardless of their exact purpose, the Pintadera symbols offer a captivating glimpse into the rich cultural tapestry of the Canary Islands’ indigenous inhabitants.

The Connection

While the exact relationship between the pyramids and the Pintadera symbols remains uncertain, tantalizing connections have been suggested. Some researchers posit that the symbols may have been used in rituals or ceremonies conducted at the pyramid sites. Others speculate that the geometric patterns of the Pintaderas could represent astronomical alignments, echoing the possible astronomical functions of the pyramids themselves. 

Moreover, the resemblance in geometric patterns between the Pintadera symbols and the architectural elements of the pyramids suggests a profound connection. It’s possible that both were essential components of Guanche society’s belief systems, intertwined in ways that remain to be fully comprehended.

Conclusion: A Tale of Mystery and Intrigue

As we delve into the mysteries of the Canary Islands‘ pyramids and the enigmatic Pintadera symbols, one thing becomes abundantly clear—their story is far from over. Each discovery, each interpretation, brings us closer to unraveling the secrets of a civilization lost to time.

The pyramids stand tall like silent guardians, urging us to unveil their purpose and significance. Meanwhile, the cryptic beauty of the Pintadera symbols provides valuable clues to a culture that flourished amidst the vastness of the Atlantic Ocean.

In the Canary Islands, the past speaks to us through stone and pottery, through geometry and symbolism. And as we continue to unearth the treasures of this ancient land, we inch closer to understanding the profound legacy left by its aboriginal inhabitants—the Guanches.

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lingling-o gold

The Secrets of Ancient Fertility Symbols: Decoding Their Timeless Power

The Secrets of Ancient Fertility Symbols: Decoding Their Timeless Power

lingling-o gold

Let’s step into a realm where symbols speak volumes about the essence of life itself. In this post, we’ll unravel the secrets behind these potent icons—from the revered Mother Goddess to timeless emblems like the spiral and cornucopia.

Fertility, a timeless symbol of life, has always been cherished across cultures and throughout history. It’s woven into the fabric of human existence, from ancient civilizations to modern times. Along this journey, various symbols have emerged, each believed to hold the power to unlock abundance, prosperity, and the gift of life itself.

So let’s journey through time, where ancient fertility symbols speak of renewal, and prosperity. In their embrace, we find a connection to our roots and a promise of enduring blessings, guiding us toward a future filled with life’s abundance.


The Ankh (Ancient Egypt)

The Ankh, often referred to as the key of life or the key of the Nile, is one of the most enduring symbols of ancient Egypt.

The loop over the tau-cross could stand for the Sun, for Heaven and Earth as the macrocosm, and for man as the microcosm. This symbolism intertwines seamlessly with its association with ancient Egyptian deities, including Isis and Osiris, who embody fertility and resurrection. Frequently depicted in Egyptian art and inscribed on amulets, the Ankh served as a protective talisman believed to bestow vitality and fertility upon its wearer. Its shape symbolizes the eternal cycle of life and regeneration, resonating deeply with the mythological and philosophical foundations of Egyptian culture.

Mayari Jewelry, Ankh Necklace

ankh cross ancient Egyptian fertility protection symbol
Silver Philippines Lingling-o pendant

Lingling-o (Ancient Philippines)

A crescent-shaped amulet made of gold or other precious metals, the Lingling-o symbolizes fertility and prosperity in ancient Philippine cultures, often associated with deities and used as jewelry or in rituals. The amulet’s curved shape is thought to represent the womb and the cyclical nature of life, embodying the power of creation and regeneration.

The lingling-o was worn by people in various regions of the Philippines and also all around Southeast Asia (the oldest ones are believed to be over 2500 years old). It was worn because of its “magical” qualities for fertility and prosperity, and at the same time it represented an abstract concept of the Feminine. The symbol is also considered an amulet.

Mayari Jewelry, Lingling-o ring

The Yoni (Ancient India)

 In Hinduism, the Yoni symbolizes the divine feminine principle and the creative power of Shakti, the goddess of energy and fertility. It represents the womb, the source of all life. The Yoni is revered as a symbol of fertility, abundance, and the cyclical nature of existence. 

The Yoni has been celebrated in Hindu mythology and sacred texts. For instance, the ancient text known as the “Linga Purana” describes the cosmic significance of the Yoni as the divine vessel through which the universe is created and sustained. It is believed that the lingam, representing the masculine aspect of divinity, arises from the Yoni, symbolizing the eternal dance of creation and dissolution.


The Pomegranate (Ancient Mesopotamia and Mediterranean)

The pomegranate has been revered as a symbol of fertility, beauty, and eternal life since ancient times. In ancient Mesopotamian and Mediterranean cultures, it was associated with fertility goddesses such as Inanna and Demeter. The pomegranate’s many seeds symbolized unity, reproduction and the abundance of life.

The Spiral (Various Ancient Cultures)

 The spiral is a universal symbol found in various ancient cultures across the globe, from Celtic to Native American civilizations. It symbolizes the cyclical nature of life, growth, and evolution. In many cultures, the spiral is associated with fertility goddesses and the creative force of the universe.

ancient spiral fertility symbol

Spiral motifs were often incorporated into jewelry and amulets, serving as symbols of reproduction, transformation, and spiritual growth. Pomegranate motifs were commonly used in jewelry and amulets in different cultures, particularly as symbols of protection during childbirth and pregnancy.

Mayari Jewelry, Helios Earrings

mother Goddess ancient fertility protection symbol

The Mother Goddess (Various Ancient Cultures)

Across various cultures, the Mother Goddess symbolizes fertility, creation, and nurturing. Often depicted as a maternal figure, she embodies the power to give life and sustain it, representing the interconnectedness of all living beings and the cycles of birth, growth, and renewal.

The Egg (Various Ancient Cultures)

Universally recognized as a symbol of fertility and potential, the egg represents the essence of life and the promise of new beginnings. It symbolizes the cycle of birth, growth, and transformation, as well as the idea of protection. In many cultures, the egg is associated with springtime rituals and festivals celebrating fertility and renewal.

World Egg symbol
Horn of Plenty Cornucopia fertility symbol

The Cornucopia (Ancient Greece, Rome)

Known as the Horn of Plenty, the cornucopia is a symbol of abundance, prosperity, and fertility. Originating from Greco-Roman mythology, it is often depicted as a horn overflowing with fruits, vegetables, and other bountiful offerings. The cornucopia represents the blessings of the harvest and the abundance of nature, embodying the idea of plenty and the generosity of the earth.

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Carabao water buffalo silver necklace jewelry

Horns: Cosmic Symbols of Power and Mystery

HORNS: Cosmic Symbols of Power and Mystery

Horns hold dual symbolism, representing both solar and lunar attributes in various mythologies. They signify strength and power, often associated with Sun gods and Moon goddesses.

Horned gods used to symbolize warriors, fertility for both humans and animals, and were masters of animals. They had as attributes the horns of bulls or cows, signifying honor, dignity, and strength, or of rams and goats – as a sign of productive power and fertility.

Horns in Ancient Egyptian culture

For the Egyptians, cow horns symbolized the goddess Hathor as the Great Mother; they are also depicted as a crescent with Isis and Nut, the mistress of the heavens.

Also in Egypt, the most important symbolic animal was Apis, the sacred bull of Memphis, embodying the material world while possessing spiritual nature. It symbolized the earth element, authority, fertility, and strength.

The winged bull is one of the manifestations of the Sphinx and also a symbol of the evangelist Luke.
moon symbol bull horns and moon goddess painting


Horns in Ancient Greek and Roman cultures

Let’s not overlook ancient Greek and Roman cultures. Dionysus and Pan embody the wild and fertile side of nature, while Pluto’s “Horn of Amalthea”, symbolizes wealth and abundance, fitting for a god. Zeus once appeared before the beautiful Europa in the form of a white bull to abduct her.

In Ancient Rome, during taurobolium (bull sacrifice rites), initiates were soaked with bull’s blood, symbolizing the flow of life. Similar symbolism of blossoming and vitality was adopted in ancient Indo-Iranian myths.

Zodiac sign – Taurus

The Taurus zodiac sign, symbolized by the Bull, draws upon the cultural significance of horns, representing strength and protection. These traits mirror Taurus’s characteristics of determination and resilience, while also signifying abundance and spiritual connection, defining the essence of this steadfast sign.

Rituals and ceremonies

The most dangerous of all domestic animals, the bull has served as both an object of worship and competition since ancient times. Its strength has been a measure for many legendary heroes (such as Heracles) and Minoan acrobats who performed somersaults using the sharp horns of bulls as support.

Bulls were sacrificed in ritual sacred festivals in honor of the Sun god Mithras, believing that their blood symbolized the source of life and symbol of the Spring. Later the symbolism associated with the bull, representing death and rebirth, spread widely.

Carabao water buffalo silver necklace jewelry

Carabao symbolism

One great example of a horned animal represented in culture is the water buffalo, also known as the “carabao“.

The Carabao buffalo indeed holds significant cultural symbolism in the Philippines, representing strength, resilience, and hard work, and it’s deeply intertwined with the nation’s identity and heritage.

In a country where nature plays a vital role in daily life, the Carabao Buffalo symbolizes a harmonious relationship between humans and the environment. Beyond its practical uses, the Carabao Buffalo is deeply woven into Philippine folklore. Folktales often portray the Carabao as a mystical creature, associated with fertility, nature, creative energy, and earth magic.

The Carabao Buffalo’s symbolism in Philippine culture is a testament to the nation’s connection with nature and the resilience of its people.

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