
rings with deep meaning

14 Magical Rings – In History and Fiction

14 Magical Rings – In History and Fiction

“One ring to rule them all,

One ring to find them,

One ring to bring them all

And in the darkness bind them.”

Tales of magical rings date back to antiquity, and probably even before recorded history.

1. King Solomon’s Magical Ring

According to legend, the famous king Solomon had a very valuable gold ring. It was not only precious, but also magical. Using the power of the ring, Solomon summons a full register of demons and takes authority over them. Out of all the king’s treasures, this ring is regarded as the most mystical.

Legend has it that the one who finds the ring will become the ruler of the world. 

king solomon's ring

2. Ring of Gyges

According to the Greek philosopher Plato, the Ring of Gyges was a magic ring that made its wearer invisible. When given a ring, a shepherd named Gyges becomes invisible and anonymous. Through his invisibility he seduces a queen, kills the king, and takes the kingdom. This poses the moral question of whether a person with such a power would misuse it for evil deeds.

Ring of Gyges

3. Ring of the Nibelung

“Der Ring des Nibelungen”, four music dramas (grand operas) by German composer Richard Wagner, that were based on the classic Norse myths and German heroic poetry.

Wagner made a lot of changes to the story in order to make it suitable for his four operas. The story tells of a hoard of gold which is being guarded by the Rhinemaidens. The dwarf Alberich steals the gold and uses some of it to make a ring which makes the owner powerful over all the world. When Wotan, the chief god, steals it from him, Alberich puts a curse on the ring. The ring will bring death to whoever has it. The ring goes through the hands of several characters, all of whom die in the end. 

Ring of the Nibelung

4. The Kingmoor Ring (also Greymoor Hill Ring)

The Kingmoor Ring was found at Greymoor Hill, near Kingmoor by a young man who came across it in the ground.

The inscription on it reads:

᛭ᚨᚱᛦᚱᛁᚢᚠᛚᛏᛦᚱᛁᚢᚱᛁᚦᚩᚾᚷᛚᚨᚴᛏᚨᛈᚩᚾ / ᛏᚨᚿ

The inscription amounts to a total of 30 signs, its meaning has not been fully deciphered but it is believed to be of magical nature – likely a spell of healing or regeneration.

The Kingmoor Ring

5. Howard Carter’s Ring of Protection

Howard Carter was the archaeologist who discovered the tomb of Tutankhamun. At the time, everybody was surprised because of the fact that the curse of King Tut’s tomb did not affect the archaeologist. Carter said that his ring protected him against all harmful influences. The ring was adorned with geometric symbols which were placed and balanced according to the principles of esoteric knowledge. The design was meant to protect a person from danger, curses, and black magic. Today, the ring is known as “the ring of Ra” and it is believed that it was originally designed by the people of the lost city of Atlantis. According to the same theory, Egyptians are regarded to be the descendants of these people. 

Howard Carter’s Ring

6. Draupnir

In Norse mythology, Draupnir is a gold ring possessed by the god Odin with the ability to multiply itself: Every 9th night, it duplicates itself by creating eight perfect copies, each one of the same size and weight as the original.

Howard Carter’s Ring

7. Genghis Khan’s Ring

Genghis Khan, the great Mongol ruler, knew how to take advantage of magic. In the 12th century, he reigned over the great Mongolian Empire and some believe this is due to a powerful magic ring. The ring had a ruby engraved with a magic Indian symbol and it was worn by both Genghis Khan as well as by his nephew. Some claim that this symbol actually comes from Hyperborea, the long lost continent. As for the ring of Genghis Khan, many Asian archaeologists are still looking for it.

Howard Carter’s Ring

8. The One Ring (“The Lord of the Rings”)

Probably the most famous fiction ring of all times, it is a central plot element in J. R. R. Tolkien’s “The Lord of the Rings”. It is a solid gold band that looks like any ordinary ring, until cast into fire; once in flames, glowing inscriptions appear on it. Also it can change in size by its own will. The Ring’s primary power was control of the other Rings and domination of the wills of their users. Granting the wearer invisibility, the One Ring also used to strengthen the wearer’s power.

The One Ring

9. Green Lantern Ring

Green Lantern’s ring, considered to be one of the most powerful weapons in the universe. Depending on the skill and willpower of the wearer, it can do almost anything if the wielder’s willpower is strong enough. It has the ability to affect and use forces like gravity, radiation, heat, light etc. Most commonly, a Green Lantern Ring is used to shoot energy beams, fly, translate all languages, and create green light energy constructs.

Green Lantern Ring

10. Sorcerer’s Apprentice Ring

The title character and his mentor use the rings to focus their magical powers. Like magical wands in other fantasy fiction, magic rings function as instruments for sorcerers to channel their powers with magic inside the ring. It projects electromagnetic energy into the physical world. The magic ring gives the sorcerer who wields it better advantages.

Sorcerer's Apprentice Ring

11. Dracula’s Ring

It first makes an appearance in Son of Dracula (1943), where it was worn by John Carradine. Then the ring made its way to Bela Lugosi’s finger in Abbott and Costello Meet Frankenstein (1948). Later Christopher Lee wore it in other Dracula movies. This extravagant signet ring with a blood-red ruby set into it, was designed with the arms crest of Dracula’s lineage. Crest rings traditionally reflect the pride and dignity of a family name and history.

Dracula’s Ring

12. The Yellow and Green Rings (The Chronicles of Narnia)

In “The Chronicles of Narnia: The Magician’s Nephew”, yellow and green magic finger rings were created to respectively transport people to and from the Wood between the Worlds. These rings were created by the magician “Uncle Andrew” with the help of magical dust from Atlantis.

Yellow and Green magic rings

13. The Mandarin’s Rings

The Mandarin is a fictional supervillain appearing in American comic books. He is one of Iron Man’s most destructive enemies. The Mandarin is a badass athlete with tremendous skills in various martial arts. His principal personal weapons are the 10 rings which he wears on the fingers of both hands. The Mandarin learned how to make the rings respond to his mental commands. On his left hand he wears Ice Blast, Mento-Intensifier, Electro-Blast, Flame Blast, and White Light. On his right hand, Black Light, Disintegration Beam, Vortex Beam, Impact Beam, and Matter Rearranger.

Mandarin's Rings

14. Singing Ring (The 10th Kingdom)

And last but not least, the most adorable ring in all ten Kingdoms! A singing engagement ring from the movie “The 10th Kingdom”, that grands a lifetime love guarantee!

Singing ring

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sword blade on a medieval map

Sword Symbolism in a Nutshell

Sword Symbolism in a nutshell

medieval sword on a map

Symbolic meaning

For thousands of years, swords have been used as weapons and tools, but they also hold great symbolic importance in various cultures and religions. From the ancient world to modern times, the sword has come to represent a wide range of concepts.

The sword is one of the most complex and most common symbols. Its concept is ambivalent: on the one hand, the sword is a terrifying weapon, on the other, a powerful ancient force.

The making of a sword incorporates all the elements: Earth, Fire, Air, Water. It also requires secret skills and knowledge, thanks to which swords were endowed with magical properties. The symbol of the sword as a weapon represents the dual concept of life and death.

The sword is also a powerful magical symbol, the emblem of witchcraft. Also the cult of the sword in many cultural traditions contributed to the fact that it acquired a ceremonial and ritual significance.

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Wavy, flames-like double-edged swords were associated with purification. For example, in alchemy, such a sword is the emblem of fire. In addition, it is also a symbol of power, justice, lighthonour or authority.

Many swords have magical properties and are given to heroes for the advancement of justice. 

One of the most well-known uses of the sword in symbolism is in the legends of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table. In these stories, the sword represents the authority of the king, as well as the code of chivalry that the knights follow.

In Christianity, the sword is often associated with Saint Michael the Archangel, who is depicted holding a sword and defeating the devil. This symbolizes the triumph of good over evil and the power of faith. In the Book of Revelation, a sword is also mentioned as a symbol of the word of God, which is described as being “sharper than any two-edged sword.”

In Eastern cultures, the sword also holds significant meaning. In Japan, the katana is a revered weapon that has been used by samurai for centuries. The katana represents the samurai’s honor, skill, and devotion to their lord. The sword is also a symbol of the warrior’s spirit, known as bushido, which emphasizes courage, loyalty, and self-discipline.

In Hinduism, the sword represents the power of the divine and is often held by deities such as Shiva and Kali. The sword is a symbol of their ability to defeat evil and protect their followers. In Sikhism, the sword is an important symbol as well. The Khanda, a double-edged sword, is one of the five articles of faith and represents the strength, courage, and defense of the Sikh community.

In modern times, the sword is often used in logos and branding for sports teams, military units, and other organizations. It continues to represent strength, power, and honour, and its use in these contexts is a nod to the rich history and symbolism that surrounds the sword.

  • Excalibur – the legendary sword of King Arthur, that was given to him by the Lady of the Lake (it was not the same sword that he drew from a stone).
  • Gram – the sword of the hero of Germanic-Scandinavian mythology Siegfried (Sigurd), that he used to kill the dragon Fafnir. This weapon was described as being ¨all decked with gold and gleaming bright¨
  • Durendal (Durandal) – the sword of Furious Roland, the hero of the Old French epic. According to the legend, this weapon was capable of cutting through giant boulders of stone with a single strike, and was indestructible.
  • Kusanagi-no-Tsurugi (“Grass Cutting Sword”) a famous Japanese sword, one of the three Imperial Regalia of Japan. It was found within one of the tails of the eight-headed serpent Yamata-no-Orochi defeated by the legendary warrior Susanoo.
  • Shamshir-e-Zomorrodnegar the legendary Persian sword from the epic of Amir Arsalan. The emerald-studded magic shamshir had originally belonged to King Solomon. Legend claims that it was carefully guarded by a demon called Fulad-zereh, because he was invulnerable to all weapons and only this sword could harm him.

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